Friday 24 February 2012

Day 4, Week 2~

its already day 4. i spent the whole day roto-ing out myself. rotoscoping is very very very time i spent about half of the day completing my roto. after roto-ing, i started covering up the markers and rendered out the passes.

Day 3, Week 2~

after solving the tracking problem, i imported the matchmover file into maya for blocking. after bringing into maya for blocking, i notice that the locators are shaking a little, just a little bit and the ground plane will jitter. its much better than the previous attempts to bring it into maya. anyways, i matched the ground and started roto-ing a bit.

Monday 20 February 2012

Day 2, Week 2~

its day 2 week 2, went to class stared at matchmover the whole day... the coordinates would not give me what i want and it is still shaking. so i decided to do auto tracking. still the same result. so i looked properly and see which points are moving. finally i solved the problem.

1st day of the 2nd week of SP~

its monday... and that means RESHOOT DAY for us.. we're reshooting the 1st and the 3rd shot as for the 1st shot, we had some trouble tracking it in Matchmover and as for the 3rd shot, the ending was too fast and abrupt. after we shot our shots, i straightaway brought the 1st one into matchmover and started tracking. it was still giving me problems. the points would shake...

Friday 17 February 2012

5th day of SP...

today is the fifth day of Studio Project.. Reached class and started working on tracking the 1st shot, yet again, since yesterday.
it was really really really irritating, the cube was stable in Matchmover, however when exported to Maya, it shook like crazy...
then Mr Leong suggested to track the 2nd half of the shot which seemed to be more stable. but when imported to maya, the ground plane still slides.
so now my plan is to reshoot the 1st shot on monday, hope it dont rain~

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Third day of SP

today we went to shoot our 3 shots and a few seconds of footage for in between the 3 main shots. we got back to class and started tracking the footage, rotoscoping wherever that is needed and start modelling the dice.